Finding Motivation After Bereavement

A pathway for discovering closure, inspiration, and inner peace after the loss of a loved one.

Klara Pattinson
2 min readNov 7, 2020

Create Pauses

After someone close to you passes away, it’s not uncommon to feel like your energy has been sapped. You might feel capable of performing tasks but your energy may not last long. If possible, give yourself space between meetings and interactions with others. Try and do activities which aren’t too strenuous whether that’s ticking off easier things from your to-do list or going for a walk. These pauses will help you pace yourself so you can last the day and even the week.

Find a sanctuary

There are times when you might want to burst into tears or escape for a while. Try and find a private space where you can recoup. This might be your car, a toilet cubicle, a spot in a cafe, anywhere where you feel like you can recover in private. In this time, spend time thinking about the person you lost and your time together. Try and be thankful for the time you spent together and use the memories as motivation to push through.

Spend time with those closest to you

It might be easy to feel isolated when you have lost someone close to you. You have family and friends that can help through grief — regardless of what your grief looks like. For instance, they might complete the small things around the house that you normally do — like grocery shopping or mowing the lawn. No one expects you to carry on as if nothing has happened. Confide in someone you trust and love to help you through this.

Create a checklist

It is not uncommon to feel spacey or scatter-brained after losing someone. To help keep your life in check make a list of everything you need to do — be it at work or at home. You can even ask someone to go through your lists and make sure you are on top of everything.

Talk to your Employer

Most employers take good care of their employee's mental wellbeing and can offer lots of support during this time. This might be in the form of personal leave or maybe even allowing you to see a counsellor.

This article is dedicated to Ranchhodbhai Dhayabhai Mistry.

